Week 8- Recognition

This week, I really enjoyed commenting on wonderful posts from students that live in Australia, Canada, and America!

I commented on one of Chantal’s posts from Australia that happens to be a very entertaining scary story: Wow Chantal! I thought your story was extremely creative, well thought out, and entertaining! I encourage you to keep writing more, because I really enjoyed reading the first of many! If I had a superpower, I would probably have speed, because I would never have to worry about being late to places as I usually am!

Then, I left a relatable comment on one of Victoria’s posts from Australia about so badly wanting a dog: Hey Victoria! I loved this post, because I’ve experienced the same exact situation with my family a couple years ago! My brother and I so anxiously wanted a dog, but my dad was against the idea too. After we got my dog though, she started to rub off on him, so don’t worry! – Ella

Lastly, I commented on an informative post on Sara’s blog from America about camels: Hey Sara! I’m Ella and I found your post about camels very interesting and informative! I actually rode a camel at the sunset on a trip with my friends and it was on of the coolest experiences I’ve had so far!


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